Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Half the year gone by

Sometimes we dont even realize how fast time goes by. It feels as though it was just yesterday when I was counting down the last second of 2009 with my friends and next thing i know half the year has gone by so quick already. Happy June 1st everyone and welcome to my very first blog. I was absolutely clueless of what to write about until I looked at the calendar and realized that it's already June.

But we all have different perception when it comes to time. Some of us do not even have time to sit down to have a well enjoyed lunch meal because we are always on the go. Constantly busy and wished that each day was longer than 24 hrs. Then there's some of us who wish the day was shorter. Take me for example, I had an entire day off yesterday and I did absolutely nothing. Nothing besides by polishes with my friends lol; somewhat productive you could say.

"no room for blues" - such a pretty sky color

OPI's: a grape fit, no room for blues and got a date to-knight
My friend Giang whos is the biggest make-up addict I know took me to this store that had many selections. It was like nail polish world, I couldn't make up my mind which colors to choose from. I wanted to get more but had to limit myself to three....and we all know how much i love bright colors.

Last Sunday my friend Mikey threw one of his crazy parties again for Memorial/Bday weekend and it was a great party as always. He takes care of his guests very well which makes him the number one host i've ever known. He decided to throw the party at his apartment deck this time. The view, location and atmosphere was nothing but perfect.

on the top floor and you could see the Angel Stadium

I love the lighted benches

and of course what's a party without the happy juice?